We Believe You Can Notice Bad Code. And You Need To

Hey there! Grab your coffee because we just sat down with our very own tech guru, KOIA’s CTO Michał Kotarbiński, to discuss something often overlooked but crucial: the state of the codebase. If you're in the C-suite and think code is just for the geeks in the basement, it's time for a reality check. A neglected codebase is like that bike you've left out all winter—rusty, unreliable, and a hidden drain on resources.

We delved into an issue that a codebase's wellness might go unnoticed until it's too late. KOIA had cases when the hidden health of the client’s codebase was a silent profit-drainer. As far as situations, when it started to shout in the most unexpected moments.

Michał brought invaluable expertise, and his insights can serve as the critical safeguard of business needs. So, for decision-makers, this subject is definitely worth attention.

The Silent Crisis

Let's set the scene: A CEO, or maybe a COO—anyone who isn't swimming in lines of code daily. They may not know a class from an object, but they know profit margins and operational efficiency. What they may not realize is how closely those things are connected to the quality of their software. In fact, poor-quality software costs businesses an estimated 2.8 trillion EUR annually in European countries.

A single month's delay in software development can cost between 50,000 EUR and 200,000 EUR. When paired with the fact that 75% of business and IT executives anticipate their software projects will fail, it becomes evident that the status quo isn't cutting it.

10 Warning Signs Code Might Be Costing You Money

Michał says you don't need a Computer Science degree to spot the warning signs. In fact, your business is probably showing you, loud and clear, that something's off. Curious? Buckle up. Here are 10 warning signs your code might just be a hidden black hole for your cash.

  1. Sluggish Feature Rollout: If it's taking ages to add new features to your product, there's a good chance your codebase isn't in the best shape.
  2. Frequent Downtime: If your app or website regularly crashes, it's not just an IT problem—it's a problem that could cost you customers and revenue.
  3. Ballooning Costs: If your IT spending is continually escalating without a corresponding increase in value, you might be pouring money into a convoluted codebase.
  4. Complicated Onboarding: A new developer should be able to get up to speed quickly. If not, your code might be too complicated.
  5. Unpredictable Timelines: If your development team can't give you a straightforward project timeline, or constantly exceed the estimations even for fairly simple features it’s often a sign of underlying chaos.
  6. User Complaints: Frequent or recurring bugs reported by end-users often signal poorly written code.
  7. High Developer Turnover: If developers keep leaving your company, it might be because they don't want to deal with such a messy code.
  8. Lengthy Debugging Time: If it takes forever to fix issues, it might be because even your development team struggles to understand the code.
  9. Mobile Responsiveness Issues: If your multiplatform product struggles on mobile, it can be design flaws. Yet, a common oversight is code quality. When the codebase isn't up to standard, your design might not display correctly across different devices.
  10. Security Issues: Recurring security issues are a red flag that your codebase might be flawed at a foundational level.

Bad Code Can Be Refactored!

Good news: messy code is not always a life sentence. Refactoring, or the act of improving code quality without changing its functionality, is not only possible but also can be done without halting your business processes. And it can surprise you with its efficiency:

If you suspect the signals we wrote up sound like your user story, Michał suggests starting with:

  1. Seeking an Expert Opinion: You don't need to understand the code to understand experts' assessments. If your team is struggling with fixing these issues, consulting someone like KOIA can provide valuable insights without the jargon.
  2. Involving All Stakeholders: This is not just an IT issue; it's a business issue. All decision-makers should be aware and involved.
  3. Prioritize and Plan: Not all bad code needs immediate fixing. Decide what impacts your business most.
  4. Monitor Continuously: Cleaning up a codebase is not a one-time fix. Make it a part of your regular business review process.

As we wrap up, consider the words of our CTO:

Elevating your codebase is more than a tech tweak; it's strategic leverage. Developers might write the code, but it's the business that carries the ultimate burden or reaps the benefits. Good code equals good business.

If your aim is growth and outpacing the competition, paying attention to your codebase is more than advisable—it's essential.


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